Christchurch Self Realization Sevalight Centre
The Christchurch Self Realization Sevalight Centre operates from The Dharma Room which is in the Silverstream Village Shops in Kaiapoi. Kaiapoi is about 20 minutes north of Christchurch city.

Our Purpose is to offer the teaching of Pure Meditation, Pure Meditative Peace, Yoga Classes, Healing and Counselling Appointments, Workshops and Courses. The Centre provides a regular time and space for people to gather together to meditate. The Centre serves the needs of all people, of all races, backgrounds and beliefs.
Our Vision is ‘Lighter Lives for More People’.
The Mission of the Christchurch Self Realization Sevalight Centre Charitable Trust, New Zealand, is to find for ourselves, live, and bring to others a Lighter Life, being guided by the Light of our Guru, Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma.
Our Values are Unconditional Love in all its forms including: Understanding, Respect, Kindness, Giving, Inclusiveness, Consideration, Humility, and Open Mindedness.
The Dharma Room serves as a Meditation room, with a regular weekly opportunity to meditate together on Sundays from March 30 starting from 9:45 am.
We begin these Meditate Together times by playing a recording of an Inspiring Talk by our beloved Guru, Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma. Winged Prayer asking for help for all in need, is sent out about an hour after this. You are welcome to stay for whatever time you like.
We also hold Spiritual gatherings and celebrations here on Easter and Christmas, Mata Yoganandaji’s Mahasamadhi and Birthday, and Matariki.
We would love to welcome you to the Self Realization Sevalight Centre’s Dharma Room ~ 3/38 Silverstream Boulevard, Kaiapoi, North Canterbury
email us at:
phone us at: 03 359 3430
New website coming soon ♥